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Powerkeep product design and development company
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product developmentThis product is designed for the United Kingdom. It's purpose is to combine the famous companies that apply electronic, comsumer electronics, software, hardware, retail and other industries to establish open power line interconnection network access specifications for all kinks of information appliances.

Every home is unique, and so are the needs of those using home networks. However, the common theme is that people want Internet equipment that is simple to install and provides maximum performance. Powerkeep extends the reach of your Internet with no invasive installation - say goodbye to your home or workplace's dead zones and ditch those long, unsightly Ethernet cables. Powerkeep is transforming the way people network their homes.

It's future goal is to build a LAN by plugs the power plug into the pre-installed universal socket. The new technology uses ordinary power linew to transmit information on the internet. All household appliances such as telephone, fax machines, computers, televisions, cameras and others can be inter connected directly with outlets on the wall in the future.

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